Tuesday 3/25/2025 is not a burn day.

The disposal of vegetation by open burning is permitted in unincorporated Denton County and in some cities (incorporated areas) but ONLY on a day that has been determined to be a "good burn day." The burn day status is determined each morning between 9:00 a.m and 10:00 a.m.

INSIDE CITY LIMITS (only certain cities allow outdoor burning) Please check with your local authorities for more information on burning in a city or town.

OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS (unincorporated Denton County) Residents of unincorporated areas of the county are now required to purchase a Controlled Burn Permit prior to open outdoor burning. Please contact the Denton County Emergency Services Office (Fire Marshal, Emergency Management, and Homeland Security) at 940/349-2840 for information on how to obtain your permit.

If you wish to conduct a controlled burn and IF it is a good burn day, you may leave your location and contact information on this website. Or you may use our voice mail system to RECORD by voice your location details at 940/349-2840.

How To Prepare Your Home For Wildfires (PDF)