Commissioners Court meetings and public hearings are recorded.
They are part of the permanent and public record of
The Denton County Commissioners Court.

  1. 1. Pursuant to State Open Meetings Law, all individuals intending to offer oral or written testimony should submit a public input form prior to making a statement.
  2. 2. Completed forms and any documentation may be submitted online, in person the day of Commissioners Court, or by calling the Aide to Commissioners Court (940-349-2830).
  3. 3. Testimony should be concise and present information not previously addressed. Persons who have registered will be given three (3) minutes to speak before the Court. Maximum discussion, regardless of the number of members of the public wishing to address Commissioners Court, shall be limited to 45 minutes.
  4. 4. Commissioners Court is restricted in discussing or taking action on items not posted on the agenda.

* Required Field
Registration Form







